User-agent: * Disallow: /ajax/ Disallow: /adminpanel/ Disallow: /myaccount/ Disallow: /adprint/ Disallow: /ad/leaflet/ Disallow: /ad/contact/ Disallow: /payment/ Disallow: /adding/confirm/ Disallow: /adding/confirmpage/ Disallow: /i2/ad/abuse/ Disallow: /m/ad/abuse/ Disallow: /apple-app-site-association Disallow: /profile/ Disallow: /en/profile/ Disallow: *ref%* Disallow: *search%* Disallow: *search[* Disallow: *sorting=* Disallow: *minPhotoCount=* Disallow: *product=* Disallow: */changelang/* Disallow: /account Disallow: /en/account Disallow: /captchaChallenge Disallow: /en/captchaChallenge Allow: / # from User-agent: * Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /post/ Disallow: /edit/ Disallow: /chat/ Disallow: /profile/ Disallow: /payments/ Disallow: /nf/ # explorer legacy Disallow: /deal_of_the_week/ Disallow: /en/deal_of_the_week/ Disallow: /featuredAgencies Disallow: /en/featuredAgencies Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /recommended_properties* Disallow: /profolio/ Disallow: /en/profolio/ Disallow: /cp/ Disallow: /en/cp/ Disallow: /nova/ Disallow: /en/nova/ # disallow all urls with parameters Disallow: *filter=* # allow car models to be crawled Allow: /en/vehicles/cars/*filter=model_eq_* Disallow: /en/vehicles/cars/*filter=model_eq_*and* Allow: /vehicles/cars/*filter=model_eq_* Disallow: /vehicles/cars/*filter=model_eq_*and* # disallow crawl on urls with model in path and free search Disallow: */model-*/q-*